Saturday 3 February 2007


I don't think there is anything more beautiful in the world than a kitten (maybe a puppy) but really, can you think of anything more cute, beautiful, loveable? I think all babies start out beautiful and then time takes it toll. Look at this cuuute kitty. So cute and innocent.Seems like this is turning into a kitty blog. Ok, I'll think up something else to write about for next time, promise! Maybe I'll find some puppy pics for next time :-) but now I have to go sleep. Tomorrow I'll write a bit about myself, but who is ever going to read this? Maybe that should be my next project, finding people to read my blog - but who wants to read this?

Kelly's Blog: Think about stuff

Kelly's Blog: Think about stuff

Thinking about stuff

So now I organised my page elements and have to think of things to "blog" about. Setting up my blog was the easy part. Blogger made it soooo easy, even for a tech-phobe like me, but now the hard part is finding semi-intelligent things to write.

Setting up my blog

I had a lot of fun setting up my blog - all the cool little things blogger lets you do and its all SO easy. The guys at blogger really made this so simple, even I could do it! Very very cool. What I want to figure out is how to add one of those flickr gallerys to my blog - Ive seen that on lots of blogs and they look so cute. I'll have to get a flickr account first I guess.

My new Blog

So everybody these days has a blog - except me - so I thought I would give this blogging thing a try. I'm not sure what I am going to "blog" about - my life? thats hardly interesting, my travels? marginally more interesting, my cat? he's very interesting, if only to me. But lets see what I can find to write about, there must be something ....